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Small Island members lobbies GSMA for a new Fee tier
Posted May 2019

Finally, the GSMA Board approved the new tier plan for the small islands. Receiving the good news on behalf of PITA EC, the PITA Manager with the Director General GSMA (centre) and the Director Member Services (left) at the GSMA Americas in LA, 2018
Protection of C Band, a lifeline for the Pacific Islands
With the superiority of C Band over other bands for coverage and continuity during adverse weathers form the critical reasons why this band is a lifeline to the Pacific Islands, providing lifeline communications during peace time, or disasters and emergencies. This lifeline for the Pacific Islands as well as similar countries relying on satellites face the risk of losing such connectivity if C Band is no longer dedicated to satellites and shared with terrestrial mobile services.
While PITA fully support the need for mobile to access needed spectrum, the need to safe guard lifeline communications are paramount, and therefore endorses the call for protection of the C Band, i.e for the C Band to be removed from the list of candidate bands for terrestrial mobile. In this line, PITA also support that other bands in the list to be considered for the development of terrestrial mobile services.
WTSA approves actions against misappropriation of telecommunication numbering resources
Posted 30 October 2008
A great moment for the Pacific Islands that a resolution from the Pacific Islands have been adopted at a World Forum, the ITU World Telecommunications Standards Assembly
Initially raised as an issue gravely affecting telecom services in the Pacific, the high level advocacy and support made at key regional and international meetings had contributed to this achievement for the adoption of this resolution, on misappropriation of telecommunications numbering resources. This adoption will now facilitate actions that could be instigated against operators responsible for the misuse of telecommunications resources.
Such an initiative and wide cooperation amongst Pacific Island countries and their international counterparts further strengthens the precedent for this region to be involved in a spirit of cooperation as a means to improve the delivery of safe, secure and comprehensive telecommunication service to its people.
PITA promotes its regional initiatives at the regional preparatory meeting for WTDC06 in Hanoi
Posted 2006
PITA presented its work to develop a regional disaster communications platform and integrated satellite solutions diversity as inputs to the World Telecommunications Development Conference 2006 regional preparatory meeting held in Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The PITA Manager who represented the Association stated the two initiatives are priority in view of the recent catastrophic events (satellite loss and spate of damaging hurricanes, cyclones & typhoons) which PITA have taken the lead in investigations and developing action plans in this regional initiative developed at the PITA 9th Annual General Meeting. The opportunity to take these initiatives at this high level forum will be a key factor in its success to get support of partners, international bodies and advocates.
The ITU member states from the Pacific Islands present at the meeting, namely Papua New Guinea, Marshall Is and Micronesia have endorsed these two initiatives along with other key needs for the region including the recognitions and need for addressing the special needs of the Small Islands and Development States at the WTDC 2006.
Arising from the PITA proposals, an expert mission was then undertaken by ITU for the study of needs and concept of design and solution for funding
Picture of the PITA Manager at the left with the Australia Country Rep and the Director BDT Division of the ITU, at the break during the RPM in Hanoi, Vietnam for the WDTC-06.

Pacific Islands amalgamate resources to safeguard satellite communications links
The recent catastrophic loss of communications affecting 20 Pacific Island countries and territories have led the Pacific Islands telecommunications operators and carriers to search for safeguard measures for their crucial international communication links and key domestic communications links.
June 2008, Undersea Cable & Connectivity – Statement by PITA
The Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) fully recognises the important role of telecommunication and access for its social and economic benefits with the Pacific Island countries and states.
Comprising of small islands economies with unique challenges of vast ocean space, distributed population and lack of resources, PITA whole heartily support the concept of a regional cooperation and approach such as for undersea fibre optic cable to connect the island countries of the Pacific,. Therefore PITA supports the concepts of SPIN.
However, PITA notes the huge commitment required of Governments by SPIN both in capital and ongoing operational commitments required for the full term of 25 years. As such, PITA therefore fully supports the efforts and study currently ongoing by the World Bank, using independent consultants to study connectivity in the Pacific, not only for undersea fibre optic cables and SPIN, but the total telecommunications picture including rural and outer islands, giving the Governments, donor countries and agencies much more information on which to base their decision.
A preliminary report of this connectivity study is earmarked for release at a planned ITU-PITA Telecommunication meeting in 15-18 July, 2008, in Brisbane. A full report is expected to be released at a planned ICT & Communication Ministers Meeting in September, to be organised within cooperation of ITU, APT, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and PITA.