Working Groups

The goals for a PITA Working Group is to further carry out required actions that the AGM or PITA Members Meeting, or CEO Forum resolve to require specific actions on a specific subject area.

Membership of the Working Group is voluntarily but from within the full members. Invited experts from the Associate Members or other organisations could also be members of the Working Group

The Working Group will appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman and who will then lead the meetings to agree on the Terms of References, life span and other necessary administration to carry out their required tasks.

Usually the Working Group will provide report to the AGM, or the PITA Members Meeting or CEO Forum

Find below the list of PITA Working Groups, past and present.

Fraud & Revenue
Assurance Forum

Year: 2004

Status: Ongoing and Active

Brief: to form a closed group of personnel involved in handling fraud prevention and revenue assurance, for regular exchange, and common development

Disaster & Emergency Communications Working Group

Year: 2007

Status: Dormant
Brief: Initially formed to investigate possibility of developing a pool of hot spares and communication systems needed during disaster or emergency

Satellite Space
Segment Aggregation
and Consolidation

Year: 2006-7

Status: Deactivated
Brief: To investigate the possibility of leasing a satellite transponder for Pacific Islands

Training Working

Year: 2002

Status: Completed
Brief: To investigate and report to the PITA AGM on a common approach to addressing Training Needs of PITA Members

Policy Development and Regionalism

Year: 2023

Status: Expression of Interests

Brief: To get greater involvements with regional policy directions and regionalism

Cooperation on Cybersecurity and Gaps

Year: 2023

Status: setting up framework

Brief: Many CEOs have requested PITA to consider collective efforts and cooperation on how PITA members can work together on common needs and challenges to improve our roles as gate keepers and service providers to contribute in combating cybersecurity